Thursday, February 28, 2008

Things 12 Digg, Reddit and others

I went in and explored these sites. I think you could spend alot of time just exploring and clicking on links. I did go to the BBC news site and shared an article I found of interest.

I don't see that I would use this in my work, but may play around with it some more from my home computer.

Thing 11 Tagging

I watch the video on and this appears to be a handy tool. I went in and signed up for a account. At work I couldn't add the button to the tool bar but I plan on doing this on my home computer.

I did go in and add a tag to my Thing 6 blog.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thing 10 Wikis

I watched the video explanation of wikis and how they can simplify planning between several individuals. A wiki could be used for event planning I tried to edit the 23Things on a Stick wiki but when I used the invite key of multitypes it rejected and wouldn't let me access the wiki.

A wiki is not a good tool for research because anyone can add information to a wiki and it may just be opinion not based on facts.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thing 9 Online Collaboration Tools

I explored both Zoho Writer and Google doc. I think Google will be easier to use. I imported a word document into Google doc. and then made changes. We often have managers at several locations working of policy and procedure changes. This is a much more efficient way to have more than one person reviewing the editing.

The "Founding Fathers" would be totally amazed at the technology that is available now.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thing 8 Share your Creation

Here is a picture using Picture Trail.

I have explored all the different ways of using these tools. In the past I have used power point when making presentations. I think using Zoho to create presentations will be a much better way to go.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing 7 Communication Tools

I have used e-mail as a communication tool for several years. I currently have 3 e-mail accounts: 1 for work, 1 for personal communication which I don't use when signing up for anything because I want to keep it spam free as much as possible and the 3rd I use for shopping and signing up for offers etc. and it gets alot of spam.

At work, since we have 13 branch libraries and 10 LINK sites spread over a 7 county area I use it to communicate within our region. The use of e-mail enhances my productivity since I don't have to communicate by snail mail or telephone.

I have an IM account set up for my personal e-mail and have a small group that I communicate with. I am not an active user of text messaging because my cell phone company charges extra for any text message either received or sent.

I have participated in webinars. I have my PHR certification from SHRM and have to obtain 60 hrs of recertification credits every three years. SHRM holds webinars pertaining to human resource topics thoughout the year and I often participate in them. They have both "live" webinars and also archive them so you can watch whenever you have time.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thing 6 Image Generator - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more This is a fu - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more This is a fun site. You could spend hours playing with this." flashvars="myVar1=" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="380" height="266" name="flower-animated" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> Flower Textn site to play with.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Thing 5 more Flickr

This is something that would be fun to do for my grandchildren who love to put puzzles together.
The Flickr toys are fun to play with. At first I was confused with how to upload the end product into my blog. It helped to look and see what others have done for Thing 5.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Thing 4 Photo sharing with Flickr

This is a picture I downloaded that was a sample already on my work computer. I don't have any other pictures on my computer and wasn't able to figure out how to download pictures from the flickr page.

Here is the URL to a picture on Flickr posted by Gailatlarge.

I did a tag search for cats and love the picture posted by gail. See above link. Hopefully you will also be able to enjoy the picture of the cat.

I found it much easier to upload the picture using the URL.

I think Flickr will be a great tool to use with my personal photos and to share with friends and family but I will make them as private.

Thing 3 Set up an RSS Account

This activity was easy for me because awhile ago I set up an RSS Account and use it for HR related updates and general news. It really is a time saver because just like the video clip indicated, you don't have to go to each favorite site to see if anything new is posted. The new information comes to you.

Thing 2 What is Library 2.0

I watched the video clip by Stephan Abram of Murdoch University. His comment about we need to make the choice to learn and if this is our choice, then we will find the time necessary to participate in the 23 Things on a Stick. As a baby boomer, all of these tools are not something I grew up using and so I am excited to be able to explore all of the various tools and learn how to incorporate some of them into both my work and home life.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thing 1 Create my Blog

The directions to create my own blog were very easy to follow. The instructions were correct though, the most difficult was finding a blog name that wasn't already used. I look forward to doing the next 22 things.